Antiques, junk shops and cargo bikes in Copenhagen's Vesterbro
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I didn't buy much today, apart from a lovely vintage ceramic bowl which I discovered hidden away in a junk shop, for about £10. For the rest I walked around taking it all in. Istedgade and some parts of Vesterbrogade definitely have the best shops. I also explored the area around Flaesketorvet, where big industrial buildings house butchers, fish mongers, catering supply businesses...and art galleries! An intersting combination and worth a visit.
It's Saturday today and it was bright and sunny (though freezing!). Lots of families were out and about, carrying their warmly wrapped up kids around in cargo bikes. Amazing how safe it feels everywhere and how relatively little traffic there is for a captital city. Talking about safe: not sure in how many other countries you would park your pram AND baby outside a shop while you pop in to get your groceries! It seems that Saturday is definitely 'park-your-pram' day here in Copenhagen. Heaps of them!
So. That's the trip almost over...Tomorrow I only have the morning left before having to head back to Aberdeen. I may visit the Glyptotek art museum to sniff in a last bit of Danish culture. I will be back soon though. Now I know why they call it 'Wonderful Copenhagen'!
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