Join me down the Rabbit hole...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Imagination. Fantasy.  Enchantment & Whimsy. From the freedom to roam, romp & play as a child to the magical moments that very well may take your breath away. A perception so unique to the individual that others who might share the "space", may very well not be able to feel or see as you do & have.
Children, unlike adults, do not have the inhibition's. Maybe not as many children as there once were, but, it is the place adults need to nurture for the joys of childhood. Playing with a child, they envelope you within their world. You can "see" the non see-ables. You can hear the "silence". YOU... are in their WONDERLAND.
I have not lost my child self. She still climbs trees & swings her sword. Fortunately, I have 3 other children to keep her alive. That's where my love of costume making can come into play.
So what has all this rambling & Jibberish have to do with today's post?

I have been coveting all these wonderful mini top hats & fascinators that have been trending for some time now.
Picture of items made by Topsy Turvy Designs via Styleamor
{Styleamor, linked above, has a very nice post from 2009 on the mini hat and fascinator trend surge}
I fell in love with the whimsy Vintage inspired accessories, searching for more styles online. So I got in the zone, looked up a few tutorials that eventually formed the outcome of the Felt Top hat and my burnt edge fabric flower.
I'm rather content with how it came out, being my first try at this whole Hat stuff.
  Is it wrong to have enjoyed playing with the candle, burning the edges of the fabric
flower? Kinda soothing during the wee hours of the morn.

I whipped this mini top hat up for the purpose of Camera fun with Frog & Panda. I still have a few more to play with as well as some of those fun Feather fascinators! Think of all the fun Tea parties these could accompany! The different outfits and locations fueling more inspiration!
 I'm thinking up some Fun style Ties for Lil man & a few other whimsy Boy theme additions as well. So many Photo ideas flying through my mind, I just HAVE to satisfy them while I can.

Are you feeling inspired for some crafty fun but prefer them in fabric with cardboard?
Then check out this easy version of the Mad Hatter mini top hat can be found here:

Mine is made from felt squares which I shaped on a Mayo Jar. Yep. An old school mayo jar, a blow dryer and some watered down Elmer glue. If you prefer the felt version, then just do a search for how to shape & stretch Felt into a hat formation. Even the subject of fabric flowers will bring plaenty of How to's.
 If your coveting the Mini top hat & Fascinator look but do not have the Craftability, I Suggest checking out Topsy Turvy linked above for adult size but if your looking for mini size, I say head over to Lisa's mini Mad Hattery. The original start to my must have desire for a mini Hat.
Sunny Dreams,



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