Studded X Stools

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Part 2 of the X Stools.

I mentioned that in my previous post on the X Stool that I thought they need some bling.


X Stools


DIY X Stools

I really like the look!  My son – not so much.  Well, they’re going to stay this way for awhile because it took me the better part of the day to put all those upholstery tacks in!    I really would love to paint the legs silver but my teenage son likes the white.  So we compromised,  I get to keep the tacks and he gets his white legs.

X Stool with Upholstery Tacks


Uphostery Tack template

After nailing in the first 15 tacks, I realized that keeping them straight was going to be a nightmare unless I had a guide.  I created a template out of piece of light poster board.  I first marked a straight horizontal line just above one edge, then made tick marks 1/2 inch apart, and then cut a notch out to create a center point on each tick mark.

Uphostery Tack template in use

I used long straight pins to hold the template in place along the edge of the stool.   Nail the upholstery tack in but not all the way.  You will need to get the template out when they’re all in and then you can hammer the tacks in the rest of the way.

Holding a Tack

The template helped but I was still struggling to keep the tacks going in straight.  I pulled out my needle nose pliers to hold the tack and guide it. 

All of this helped and it looks pretty good but afterwards I stumbled on to this upholstery tack strip!  You only need to tack in every 4th or 5th tack!  This is a much better way to go and I will definitely be using this method the next time I do anything with upholstery tacks.

X Stool

Linking to these fabulous parties.

Savvy Southern Style


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