Guest Posting at Housewife Eclectic

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So, I was planning on putting up a post with a link over to Housewife Eclectic yesterday, since I guest posted there, but this past week has been so crazy!

Last week I borrowed my mother-in-law's steam cleaner and shampooed all of our carpets.  And then I was cleaning some cars that we are selling, and we took a quick trip to Utah, so I am worn out!  I think I used up most of my motivation last week...but it is slowly building back this week! :)

Monday and Tuesday, I was working on some homemade cards that I sell at a local floral shop.  I will show you them soon...probably next Monday.  And, if you want to buy some, I have some for sale in my shop, and I will be adding more shortly.

Anyway, enough with my pity party...hope you all had a great weekend!

Check out my guest post over at Housewife Eclectic!  She is actually doing a month of pumpkins, so you can get lots of great ideas!



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