Hats for a Cause

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yesterday my Princess Cupcake and I attended a fundraiser called "Hats and High Tea" at our Church.  It was benefiting Halos of Hope, a charity that gives hand-made hats to those who have lost their hair due to the side-effects of chemo therapy.

Pamela Haschke, the president and founder of Halos of Hope, was the guest speaker.  Her story, the stories of some of the recipients of the hats and the stories of those involved in making and donating the hats were truly inspirational.  It is a cause that, for me, I didn't think about prior to attending this tea.  I usually think of the bigger cancer research funds, where you donate money, which can also beneficial!  However, after hearing about Pamela's experience, I realized that maybe this is more important than I initially thought.  Men and Women who lose their hair due to chemo therapy, feel naked, she said.  Now, honestly, if it were me, I would not want to go to the grocery store feeling sick and naked...would you?

So, I have been wanting to make this hat for myself for a while.  It has been on my to-do list for over 3 months!  Even though I am not super great on my sewing machine, I have decided to make a couple for Halos of Hope.  It's not much, but as Pamela said, each hat touches someones life.  Each hat says, "I'm praying for you."

If you are interested in joining me, make a few hats (any type) and send them to Halos for Hope.  Tell your friends and family!  Leave a comment for me and of course say a prayer for those who are suffering with cancer and the side effects to the current treatment, chemo therapy.

I will post an update with pictures when I finish the hats!
Have a restful Sunday.



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