Where I've Been...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My lack of blogging over the past two weeks is due to the fact that I had a partial knee replacement on September 30th. It's quite crazy to think that I'm not even 30 yet and I have osteoarthritis so bad that half of my knee was already bone-on-bone. It has been a difficult recovery, complete with a severe allergic reaction to my steri-strips. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to endure. I've had several (much smaller) surgeries in my life, but nothing has ever compared to this. When your bones have to be cut it takes what your brain has thus-far known as pain, and takes it to a whoooole new level entirely. It has been a huuuge challenge for me to be in bed for most of the day for two weeks, but it's not over yet. Healing from a knee replacement is not a quick thing. For someone who loves to create, the idleness is one of the hardest parts. I have been so blessed with the help/love/encouragement of my family and wonderful friends! I don't know what I would do without each and every one of them! Hopefully I'll be back to crafting and blogging before I know it, although it seems so far away.



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