The Current State of My Favorite Windowsill

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Every year we plant a pretty large garden in our backyard.  We are always thrilled to see it grow and to be able to feed our family (and sometimes neighbors) from it.  It is so satisfying to walk out and pick a tomato or cucumber whenever we want to!  Having said that, let me tell you a little secret...I am NOT Mrs. Greenthumb!!!

Last year I tried to start my plants from seeds (organic) for the first time and it didn't go well for me.  Actually, it totally flopped and they all died after I planted them outside.  We then went out to a local farm and purchased some plants.  After much research, I am going to try my hand at starting my garden from seeds again this year.  I planned on starting them mid-February, but ended up planting them mid-March.  My kiddos helped out, which I think is so beneficial for them to feel some ownership.  Every day we see if anything new has sprouted and how much the other seedlings have grown.

My corner windowsill is a perfect place to grow anything because it gets a lot of sun.  And its right behind the kitchen sink, so I never forget to tend to them. This, of course, is NEVER a problem for me {sarcasm}!!!

Not the prettiest window sill decor, but by mid May, I hope it will be worth it!

Details on what I am planting this year.  All are organic, non-GMO vegetables and fruits.
  • Blue Lake Green Beans
  • Beef Steak Tomatoes
  • Rutgers Tomatoes
  • Ashley Cucumbers
  • MM Cucumbers
  • Jalapeno
  • Cheyenne
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Watermelon
  • CA Wonder Green Pepper
  • Eggplant
  • Strawberries (come up every year)
I was also thinking about trying out some onions and lettuces in a different part of the yard.  I always start out so ambitious and then fizzle out or run out of time.

Any planting tips for me that have worked for you? 

Thanks for stopping by!



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