If you've been a reader of this blog for any lengtrh of time, you should already know that I'm a huge Dave Ramsey fan.  The principles Dave teaches have changed my life in seriously positive ways, and I was excited to see The Money Answer Book come up for review with Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze! ...


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Nate spent a few hours researching and discussing his next steps to get this lawn growing. (Remember.... the house was forclosed on right before summer so the yard went through the summer without any water. Oh! and the previous owners took all of the plants with them...). He decided to reseed the yard....


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The Lynn Lane Target has the bonus packs of French's mustard shown above, and if you go here, you can print coupons and get the whole scoop on the deal!  Enjoy!  Thanks, Totally Targe...


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One of the best ways to get free or super cheap books is to provide reviews for companies and authors.  My wise daughter, Carman, has been doing this for a few months on her site, A Sequence of Continuous Delights.  Because of her encouragement, I'm now reviewing for BookSneeze!There is no...


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The grumpiesA kids bookTo X andto Scott and Lucy,The grumpies wake up right before dawnthey put on their hatsand scurry alongthey spread over the landand over the seaand sometimes I wake upand they are all over meThey are hard to get rid ofbecause they get in your hairthey jump in your undiesthey are really not fairthey will slide down your toastand slip in your jamthey will do laps in your...


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All my best intentions to post more regularly have taken a back seat to finishing the school year strong, and keeping up my responsibilities here at home.  Thank God for Proverbs 31 Amplified, which reminds me that I can't take on new responsibilities that cause the neglect of my present duties!So,...


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Im not going from my list at all,  but I am tired of writing about really heavy things and I shall revisit the work of these photographers in more detail later.  Right now I just want to revel in the beauty of my favorite images.  Looking at fashion photography for me has always been...


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