How to Make a Pumpkin Roll(cake)1/4 cup powdered sugar 3/4 cup all-purpose flour1/2 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp baking soda1/2 tsp cinnamon1/2 tsp ground cloves1/4 tsp salt3 large eggs1 cup granulated sugar2/3 cup Libby's 100% pure pumpkin1 cup walnut, chopped (optional)(filling)8 oz. cream cheese,...


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When I discovered a few years ago how easy it is to re-wire a lamp, I soon progressed to making lamps out of cool objects I found at flea markets and antique shops--like the tripod above (see here for instructions). Since starting my own business, I've created a small collection of one-of-a-kind...


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I recently read an article in New York magazine about design team Robin Standefer and Stephen Alesch of the firm Roman and Williams and was intrigued enough by their old school materials meets modern living aesthetic to re-watch the film Addicted to Love in order to see...


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We're off for a week on holiday soon and I can't wait. We wanted to catch some last Autumn sun before diving into Winter and picked Portugal as our destination. It's promising to stay sunny and warm, so that's perfect.Always looking for beautiful places that inspire me, I found a lovely guesthouse...


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So there has been something that I have been thinking about ALOT. I want you to think about what I'm about to say.The area we live in has ALOT of Asians (as well as other races). Everywhere I go I see at least a few of them. I work with a AWESOME Christian Korean women at my work and I have a beautiful Korean baby in my class. So when the mom comes to pick up her baby she will sometimes speak Korean...


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My guess is that the scene in the baggage claim section of any modern-day airport just isn't what it used to be--when folks bought luggage to last a lifetime. After seeing more than one fellow passenger reach for my beige suitcase before I could get to it and then throw it back on the conveyor belt...


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This morning I went to church in my p.j.s.My son was sick with the flu yesterday and my hubby and brother were going to a Indianapolis Colts game today. So my hubby and I plugged the computer into the t.v and logged onto Steven Furtick was talking about the book "Sun Stand Still" that he wrote.It was just recently released to the public. They showed some video...


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Image: Papa StourI don't usually boast about Scotland as the place to be when it comes to interior design, as most interior shops up here I just find incredibly boring and traditional. Sofas are bulky, sideboards massive, "contemporary design sofas" often means "oddly shaped" and made out of black...


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Despite my passion for interior design and vintage treasures, I've somehow never given in to collecting groups of one item. I suspect that once I began, I wouldn't know when to stop. Exactly how many straw bags or enamel signs or cooking molds is enough? For me, it's safer to stick to individual items...


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