A request for herbal wisdom~ Folk lore, recipes, charms...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

First I must share my excitement is getting to over flow. Sometime around the 15th of this month I will be traveling out to pick up our grouping of Bee's and a new hive. For the first hive we will go with the traditional stack box style. Then when it's time to split them, we will use a top bar hive.
Now as for my herbal request, it has to do with something I have been slowly making for some time now. I have been compiling a Wise woman Herbal book for my children. The only herbs in it are ones we can grow ourselves or harvest from the surrounding area. I was once told "It is best to know 40 uses for one herb then to know 1 use for forty herbs". After much dilemma I have had when locally buying herbs I decided not to include herbs we could not provide ourselves.

swinging upon the outstretched limb of our Magic Tree next to the old garden, June 2009.

I have my list compiled of herbs for the book. Roots, leaves, trees, etc. for making it easier to write in alphabetical order, but the book itself is no where near complete.
I found a few folklore "charms" in a book titled :Mugworts In May by Linda Ours Rago
I am looking for simple backyard {Ohio grow able} ingredient herbals. Especially little sayings to go with each herb such as the one found in the above "In Dock Out Nettle. Don't let the Blood settle".
The book has helped in my understanding of what the masses thought of as "Witch Charms",which were actually knowledge passed down from mother to daughter in Rhyme. In a time when women were uneducated, unable to write, they passed the knowledge of herbs in rhymes. Making it easier to remember & repeated with their application, again reinforcing the memory.

May Day Basket 2006

I would also like to include the source of the knowledge shared from you and if in the future I decide to make this compiling of Herbals more public, ask of your permission to share & be able to mention the source. It would be through self publishing since I would like to share a copy with friends & family, meaning I would be downloading my finished compilation through an online self publishing site. Keeps pricing low for publishing a book with color pictures and durable cover.
 I will share here when all is done should anyone else like a copy.

Feel free to share either by comment or Via email. If you go to my profile, you will find my email below profile picture.
I must Thank you ahead should you choose to share your herbal wisdom/ rhymes. One or ten, or even a suggestion of where to find what I seek. All are appreciated.
Sweet Dreams,



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