Chunky Pear-Applesauce

Monday, October 17, 2011

When the organic produce goes on sale at our local super-market, I go a little bit crazy.  My kids eat apples like there is no tomorrow, and pears almost as much.  Even with everyone in the family eating that much, I had some that were getting too ripe to eat plain.  So, I thought I would whip up a batch of applesauce.  I have been on a big canning kick lately, plus applesauce is so easy and versatile!

Chunky Pear-Applesauce

6 lbs Organic Apples, diced
3 lbs Organic Pears, peeled and diced
1/4 cup Organic Brown Sugar
1/4 cup Organic Maple Syrup
1 Tbls Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbls Vanilla
1 tsp Sea salt
1-2 tsp ground cinnamon

Add all ingredients to large pot, bring to a simmer.  Continue to simmer until pears and apples begin to breakdown and turn into the consistency of applesauce, about 40-50 minutes.  At this point you, if you will be canning it, fill sterilized jars and put into water bath for 10 minutes.  Remove jars from water bath and put onto a towel to cool.  Alternatively, you can put your finished product in a container and store it in your refrigerator.
This is the finished product...yum, yum!

I will send this with the kids in their lunches, eat it as snack at home and use it in some upcoming baking.  I have had my eye on a these luscious applesauce spice cupcakes with brown sugar cream cheese frosting.  I love a trying out new recipes and this one sounds fabulous!



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