Saturday, October 22, 2011
Last weekend the hubby and I had a spur of the moment dinner with his sister. I was on dessert duty and I wanted to make something fun for my neice and nephew!
I googled "halloween desserts" and saw many different images for mummy cupcakes! These seemed the most practical for me to make at the last moment, so mummy cupcakes it was!
Here they are after cooling down.
I applied a small strip of frosting on all the cupcakes so the "eyes" of the mummies would stick.
I used M&Ms for the eyes. You could probably do all red M&Ms to make them look like zombie mummies, but I chose to use all the colors.
Originally I tried to use a decorating tip to apply the mummy bandages, but it wasn't working well for me. So I cut a tiny triangle in the end of a sandwich bag and used that to apply the bandages. I applied two strips around the "eyes" first, then randomly applied strips until the cupcake was covered.
Here you can see where I started with the decorators tip in the upper left - the thinner strips are where I started using the bag.
My neice and nephew loved getting to pick out which color zombie they wanted! They were delicious too! The white chocolate chips in each bite made them even better than normal cupcakes!
These are really easy to make, and perfect for Halloween!
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