Spook-ify your Photos

Friday, October 26, 2012

With Halloween just around the corner, I thought I'd share a quick Photo editing tip for spook-ify-ing your photos.  It's quick and easy and you can do it with any photo editing software.  I use Photoshop CS4, but you can do it in Picasa and iPhoto as well. 

First get your photo.  I really like this one from a park we would frequent in Seattle.  I call it Aspen Path.
Next convert it to grayscale.  Much more spooky.  You can play with the levels to get more or less contrast.  It looks more like a scary path you don't want to travel now.

 Finally I added the text from Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven".  You can google the text to find it if you don't have it memorized. I remembered pieces, but not all of it.  Choose a spooky font and place the text over the photo and adjust the opacity.  Perfectly Spooky.

I did the same with this photo from the top of Mt Baker in Washington.  It definitely changes the feel of the photo and would be an easy addition to your Halloween Decor.

 Have fun  Spook-ify-ing your Photos for a little last minute decor for your Halloween.

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