In Target not too long ago, I bought a stack of tan notebooks whose cover art imitated old Italian school workbooks. They were part of the John Derian line for Target and they inspired me to check out what else is available at the original shop in New York city. Though I haven't yet been,...


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Whenever a new book comes out featuring artists' or writers' work spaces, I dissect the pictures for ideas and insight into the people who spend their days in those rooms. I'm fascinated by the places where creative people do their work. A good work space requires a blend of functionality and inspiration....


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I love checking out old books when I'm at auctions and flea markets. Initially, I'm drawn to the cloth covers with intricate designs and cool fonts. I also love turning through the first few pages to see if someone has written their name inside or given some hint about the book's importance to them....


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These are my brandy & ginger biscuit truffles, that have become a bit of a hit with family and friends. I thought I share the recipe with you. I never follow any recipe exactly so I suggest you do the same and adapt amounts and exact ingredients where you feel necessary!Enjoy - and do let me...


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December is an expensive month. It's all about eating that special food, wearing those special clothes, adding that special decoration to your home, let alone buying all those extra special gifts for everyone. It's fun (right?), but it's madness! This blog is all about tastefully saving money by recycling,...


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Ever seen 'artworks' in department stores? Mass produced prints and ornaments, without any personality and emotion? I guess some people just want something to match their curtains, but there's so much beautiful, affordable art available so why not give your home a little bit more personality?I just...


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Full article on www.dornob.c...


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This Christmas has been a bigger surprise then expected. The great news... Reclaimed Wreckage will be making a lot of gift-givers and gift-receivers happy through the holidays. The bad news.... I'm running out of bike tubes. In general, people don't bike as much during the holidays due to the snow and hail and terrible cold overall, so there just aren't as many tubes for the taking. I have enough...


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Working with Haring Woods Associates on WHAT WILL BE at the COP16 event in Cancun, Mexico. We produced a catalogue, posters and invitations all reflecting the Mexican location. This is the second Safe Planet outreach campaign in the arts, and features films, photographs, videos, and installation art....


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See the full gallery on postero...


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