I recently discovered Pinterest, a virtual bulletin board for all the images that capture us on the web--and I'm now hooked on the constantly updated stream of funny, thought-provoking and inspiring images its members discover. As far as interiors go, I've been noticing trends in the images that...
Filed Under: green design, pallet furniture, recycled

Before I begin, Just a reminder to get your comment in on The Backyard Mushroom spore Giveaway in my previous post. Deadline is May 4th, so be sure to get your name in the ring for a chance to experience your own growing of Easy edible Mushrooms! Our bee hive has been very active. With this hive, I...
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Been thinking about growing mushrooms but have not made the leap to include them in your adventures? Well then I have the PERFECT thing to help get your toes wet.Not too long ago a reader had emailed, inviting me out to their place. She has been growing mushrooms in her backyard for a few years now....
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Here at the Stone Cottage, Spring has been sharing many delights. The weeping Cherry trees are in bloom and the Weeping Willow has begun showing it's green leaves. Frog & I began doing some Spring clean up. Edging the driveway was our first duty. As usual, Frog began to play around under...
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Resist the common urge to conform and norm… find out how and learn about Breakthrough Psychology at The Langmaid Practice. New identity and website, with some great photography by Katherine Fawsset...

When Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium first came out, I assumed it was just for kids and didn't make any effort to see it. One day I caught part of it on cable and ended up putting the DVD on my queue because it so captured my interest. The film is a visual feast. The toy store at the center...
Filed Under: film set design, jewel tones

Yup. Thats right. I LOVE the downtown market. It's one of my favorite markets of the year.... and now I'll be in it full time! Every Saturday you can find me with my green and white canopy set up in Pioneer Park just off the 400 S exit in downtown Salt Lake City. I'm so happ...
Filed Under: downtown, farmers market, Lisa Brown, Pioneer Park, reclaimed wreckage, salt lake city, ut, vendors
What a gorgeous day for a mini road trip, while picking up our grouping of bee's. High 60's F. Sunny clear skies. Could not have asked for a better day to travel the hour drive to Mantua.The drive home had my car filled with the buzz of our bee's and the intense joyful scent...
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A few years ago, I saw a feature on television about an agency that helped find homes for retired greyhounds. I decided then that if I ever got a dog, it would be a greyhound. Though puppies are gorgeous, I've never wanted to take on a pet that needed constant attention as well as basic house training....
Filed Under: art deco, greyhounds, roaring twenties
No, that is not an exaggeration. It truly took 6 months from start to finish. Not because the table actually required that much work. No, it's more like I refused to brave the cold & work on it during the winter. Yes, I dislike being cold that much.I first mentioned this Project last September,...
Filed Under: chicken coop, chickens, DIY, gardening, spring, wood shop
Photo Scandinavian DekoClimbing up the sledging hill. Spring is on the way- the light is bright. Photo Scandinavian DekoWarm seat+cup of hot blackcurrant juice+spectacular view opening up to the snowy lake. Photo Scandinavian DekoAfter a day of crosscountry skiing+staring at the flames= nordic...
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