DIY Knockoff Pillows!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is it safe to assume that everyone loves Target?  Although I almost never buy anything (**almost**) I love to peruse the aisles.  My poor hubby is such a sport!  He just buys a latte and will walk around with me until his latte runs out.

On our latest excursion I saw this pillow:

I always feel like I'm doing something illegal when I snap photos of items in stores, so I turn my phone on vibrate (so no one will hear the fake camera sound), snap the picture then flee the scene.

Anyways, I loved the pillow but not the price tag.  I took a picture of it because I knew I could make this at home.  During all this thinking, my friend Brittany from Brit's Apron posted photos of her new pillows on facebook:

How precious are these!  I was inspired immediately and ran to Joann's to buy my fabric.

I made sure to buy the end of the bolt on all three fabrics so I would get a 50% discount.  I spent less than $10 on fabric for all three pillows.

I then used tutorials from Jones Design Company and Crazy Wonderful (my friend Brittany also used these) to make the ruffle and rosette pillow.

The rosette pillow is my favorite!

Originally I was going to make all my rosettes cream to match my bedding - but I ran out of that fabric.  So I dug into my stash and found this great orange and pink floral print.  I kinda like it better than my original idea!

The ruffle pillow was going to have ruffles all across, but again I ran out of fabric.

Lastly, for the Target knock-off I just made up my own plan.


This post was already kind of long so I did not include one, but I'd be more than happy to if anyone is interested!

Now my master bedroom is almost complete.  I just need to replace those ugly lamps!

Of course I'll probably completely change the look when I buy a new home, but this will remain for the next few years!

Oh! I almost forgot!  I used a very good tutorial by my friend Ashley from Domestic Imperfection to sew envelope closures on all three pillows!

I love my new pillows! I'm thinking some pillow cases would make a fun giveaway for when I reach 750 followers! What do you think?

Individually each pillow was less than $10 including fabric and the new pillow form!

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