Our Rainy Day Halloween Decor

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Last week the weather was rainy and cloudy and one of those days weeks where you would rather be curled up on the couch in your pajamas.  Something about rain I guess.  Then, later in the week, it actually snowed!  I had to go outside and rescue my pumpkins (I grew some in my garden this year and they actually grew!  I got two about the size of a kid's basketball...yay!)

I have been seeing all kinds of cute Halloween decor around blogland and realized that I don't have very much!  One of our rainy days was perfect for making some simple Halloween decor for Isaac's room.  He helped me too, which made it extra fun.

 I had a leftover block from a previous project, and I decided to make it into a pumpkin.  I cut orange paper out and glued it to each side.  Isaac loved helping me glue!  The little man LOVES pom poms, so that is what we used for the smile and eyes.  (Isaac has loved them forever!  In fact, my mom gave him a whole tin full of them!  I used to take them to church in a mini m&m container and he would dump them out and then put them all back in...it worked awesome!)

 My mom also gave us some foam letters and googly eyes.  Isaac loved gluing them on.  We had puddles of Elmer's school glue all over the table.  I am probably going to make a frame for this and hang it in his room, but for now it's on the fridge.

 More pom pom love.  I made some garland by stringing pom poms onto thread.  They stayed in place really well so I didn't have to glue them or anything.  Then I taped it around his window.  I love easy projects like this!

I was inspired to make this spider from a tutorial over at Homemade By Jill.  She has some really fun ideas, and a few of my projects are inspired by hers.

I will be linking this up to parties listed on my party page as well as here.

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