Toddler Tuesday #3 {Hamburger Cookies}

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For today's Toddler Tuesday, I asked Chrissy (who will introduce herself in a sec) to share a tutorial on how to make hamburger cookies.  I found her blog on a link party and I thought her idea was so much fun!

Hi guys! {and gals}
I'm Chrissy, the mama in charge over @ For Mamas.
 Well, let's see...
I'm a mama of 2 amazing babes. Really. They're amazing.
They make me smile. They make me feel all warm & cozy.
I'm a wifey. For 1 & 1/2 years. {We're still ameteurs!}
I have a full time job & a part time job.
I've had 2 jobs for the last 3 years. And I love it.
My full time job is for an oil & gas company.
The part time job is once a week @ an auto auction.
I've worked there for 5 years & I can't find the heart to leave that place. I go for the people really.
I had my son shortly after moving to Texas from Missouri 5 1/2 years ago.
I moved for him. And that's why I'm still here.
I was a single mama for 4 years & loved every moment of it.
{Read more of that story here}
I met Chris, we became best friends, & married July 24, 2010.
Emma Ann was born November 12.
So, here I am!
I started my blog because I wanted to tell my stories as a mama, with other mamas.
I want to give my advice.
Share my experiences.
To help anyone who might be going through the same stuff.
The hard times & the good.
And as moms, we are always asking.
Questions come up everyday.
Even the second time around, I have questions.
It's amazing how each child is different.
At the moment, I'm working on my writing.
Not that I need help with writing, but I need help with getting it out there. Typing the words & having the courage to share all the little moments. It's harder than it seems.
In between writings, I've started crafting.
I never crafted anything in my life!
The blogging world got me hooked.
And of course, Pinterest didn't help the situation. (:
I have some DIYers, recipes, & I even have a giveaway once in while!
Back in May, I opened my own Etsy shop.
I call it House of Bremma.
-Now, on to the important part-
I found this "recipe" on Pinterest one day & thought it would be PERFECT to do with Brady!

You will need:
Nilla wafers
Keebler mint grasshopper cookies
coconut shavings
green food coloring
red frosting
yellow frosting 

Put some coconut shavings in a baggy{as much as you'd like}
Tap 2 or 3 drops of green food coloring in & shake it up.
-This is where your kiddo comes in to play-
TA-DA!....lettuce!  (:
Next, just layer the ingredients in this order:
1} upside down Nilla Wafer
2} Keebler cookie
3} red icing on one side
4} yellow icing on the other side
5} green coconut shavings
6} Nilla Wafer to top it off

credit {via}

I love the simpleness of this!  It is perfect for kids of any age, I think!  Don't you love Chrissy's writing?  She's got some great skills!  Go check out her blog!  I love it!



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