Outdoor Fall projects BEGUN!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Remember that Free cement block I picked up earlier in the year? The cement compost bin has stage one complete! I spent this amazing 67 degree F day getting that off my to do list. I finished the first stage just as the kids got home from school. Keep in mind, it's not finished yet :
Tomorrow {if all goes right}, I am hoping to get back out there to finish the exterior with stucco for a nice finish. {You can see what I am working towards by clicking the link in my first sentence above for that post.} The stucco is stage 2. After that I will add the wood compartment boards for separating into 3 sections which is stage 3 of the project.
As I left the mortar to dry, I began prepping Frog's flower garden. This will be on the backside of my main garden, just beyond the picket fence. We sat here looking through various sites, making a list of all the flowers we dream to grow in her plot that can be used for cut flowers. Reneesgarden.com is full of beautiful cottage like flowers and Frog loves the variety. My pocket book would say otherwise, but we still have time to trim down the list. We even have 5 different varieties of sunflowers which we all know, it's not one of my gardens unless it has the sunflowers thrown in.
I found this blog http://www.debraprinzing.com/ while seeking out ideas on what to plant. She has a book titled the 50 mile bouquet coming out next April.

 Her site is not just about flowers. From refreshing decor to even chicken coops of others. A pleasure to read and to view the beautiful pictures. I simply love all the flower inspiration. Such great pleasure in dreaming up what gems we will have to grace the tables, mantle and window sills. And think of all the ones we will have for sharing with friends! I do believe it will be a nice addition to the shared fruits & vegetables as well as the jams & wines we make.
Mr. J has been out planting his big plots of garlic and found it rather entertaining to see that chickens are not fond one bit of garlic. Someone had left their gate open and of course when they see people, they make a mad dash that in some cases, can be intimidating if your not use to it. Luckily, he was already out there when one of the gals spotted him and alerted her crew. He was their new best friend when they thought he had something tasty... Until they attacked the garlic he was planting. Thankfully they did not stay around and scratch up everything and decide his plot was the latest & greatest dust bath spa. Ohhh the wreckage they can do in such a short period of time but his garlic proved to be of no interest and they were back to bug hunting amongst the grass blades.
Their evening treat {o.k more like bribe to get in the pen} consisted of the Jack O Lanterns from our front stoop. I did not think they would make such a fuss over them being Mr.J has been sharing squash from his garden on a regular basis. I guess they really enjoy their squash varieties.
The nights are getting cooler so they have their red heat lamp on in hopes to keep them from not laying due to the energy used for warmth. I'll be adding their regular color lamp this week for extending the hours and again... in hopes to prolong their laying. I waited 10 months for these eggs and no way am I letting them slack off when they JUST begun sharing. They better work for my staying of the ax hand after such behavior!
Frog has her first Father daughter dance this coming weekend. Remember when the excitement was for Panda's Cinderella ball every year?  sigh.... They really do grow up so quick. Just a few more years & I'll be taking Panda for Homecoming dresses... yeah. I'll just file that thought away so all the other scary stuff starts coming to mind with her getting older... Now I must be off to get drops in The Captains eyes. He apparently has his first case EVER of Pink eye. Looking rather Egor right now too. Poor guy.
Until next time...
Sweet dreams,



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