A Few Pretties
Monday, May 21, 2012
I needed to make some things to donate to our Annual Scout Silent Auction Fundraiser. I decided to play around with my jewelery supplies and see what I came up with. Here are 3 simple projects I made.
Buttons and Black cording. The cording should be about 4 times the finished length because you are doubling it. Tie a loop in one end, making sure the hole is just barely large enough to fit your closure button.
Thread one side of the cording through the button if there are 2 holes, both threads if there are 4 holes. Tie a knot after each button.

Feel free to play around with some fun buttons to match your outfit. You can whip these little babys out in a few minutes.
Next is a pearl bracelet. Using strong beading filament, make a small loop for the end and close with a crimp ring.
Thread the beads. I alternated large and small beads.
When you get to the end, finish off in the same way as you started.
Thread a large piece of satin ribbon through the loops and use this to tie the ends closed.
Simple and elegant!
Lastly is a floating bead neckace. I'm so loving these right now and they are super easy to make.
Take a piece of beading filament 2 times as long as the finished piece as you are doubling the filament to create the floating beads. I also coiled some of my fine wire to creat the two little springy things. They cover the end crimp ring. Using a crimp ring, secure the filament to the toggle you are using and thread the coil over both strands of filament.
Alternatning strands of filament, string the beads, sometimes putting the bead on both strands, sometimes on only one strand.
Finish off the end toggle with 2 crimp rings, one for each strand, making sure to thread the other coil on first to cover up the crimp rings.
Easy and quick! I love pretty things, especially when I make them myself!
Labels: Jewelery, Scout Auction, tutorial
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