Nate does not know how or where I get the energy to start painting at 8pm on a Sunday... I just don't sit still very well when there are fun projects to be done! I thought I would post pictures of the project 1/2 way done. It's quite a change but it looks really cool. Painting around the rocks, windows,...


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3Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,4[Born anew] into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay [imperishable],...


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I know the guys at the Home Depot paint department by name and this is why..... Nate thought it would be funny to put a picture up of the samples we have collected (and there are more). Anyone know of any good projects that these would be of good us...


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Thanks to Shelly for sending me the tip about this great bookfair!From the Holland Hall Website:The 50th Anniversary Holland Hall Book Fair will be Saturday, Feb. 27, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This Holland Hall tradition attracts thousands from Tulsa and the surrounding region. It features tens of thousands...


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Go here to print a $2 coupon for Method laundry soap. On Monday,  I saw these on clearance at the BA Target, by the pharmacy sor $7.xx.  There are also $4 internet printables that were available earlier in the week, if you were lucky enough to get them. Sadly, I was not!I hear these...


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We've been struggling against sickness, and nurse mom has been busy comforting, teaching, and serving ~ thus, no blogging!  Priorities, right?  We believe that physical divine healing is a gift from God that was purchased through the sacrifice of Jesus.  We're standing on His...


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20 He who walks with wise men will be wise,       But the companion of fools will be destroyed.        (Proverbs 13:20, New King James Version)Today's wisdom comes from Parenting Today's Teens with Mark Gregston:"The latest “Report Card on...


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It seems like a really slow week at Walgreens unless there are some hidden deals that will pop up later in the week.  Here are the best deals I've found so far, other than Moneysavingmom's recap here.There's a Kleenex Catalina deal starting on the 22nd, so be on the lookout for the coupons:Kleenex products (60ct or larger):Buy 4, get $1; Buy 5, get $2; Buy 6 or more, get $3 off your next...


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Isaiah 64:4 (New International Version)4 Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Hi...


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From the website, you can receive over $100 worth of P&G coupon savings by mail when you buy $50 worth of P&G products.  All the details can be found here and the printable form can be found her...


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Check Bookroom Reviews for all the details and good luck! Better hurry, the giveaway ends on the 13t...


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If you don't believe me, just look here...Thanks, Tyndal...


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$0.50 DeliCuts lunch meat at CountryMart!Check the Healthy Living/Savings display at the entry for a flyer with $1/1 coupons on Carl Buddig DeliCuts lunch meat. Use with 2/$3 packages in the meat section at Coweta CM and you can get REALLY cheap lunch meat today! Won't last long, so hurry if you want...


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Here are the best deals for the week!Ragu Spaghetti Sauce 2 for $3$1/2 Healthy Living Savings book= $2.00Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes 2 for $4$1.50/2 internet printable found here= $2.50NyQuil or DayQuil Liquid or Gels $3.99$2/1 1/17 Red Plum insert (RP)= $1.99Betty Crocker Cookie Mix $1.78.40/1 D 2/7 GM= $.98McCormick Chili Seasoning .69cents$.25/2 D 1/24 RP= .19cents eachMcCormick Grinders 2 for $3$.25/1...


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When we found the interior base paint color in the garage, the can read "Antique White", which is a nice way of saying "Light Yellow".  The color drives us crazy! We have finally decided on a base color for the majority of the common areas.  It is called "Gobi Desert". It's a tan-grey color....


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The previous owners took all of the appliances (oh and the fence, outlet covers, knobs, and bathroom door!... all of which we have replaced since we moved in). The table, buffet, and couch are all new. Just last weekend we bought a new TV that fits the built-in shelf. We just...


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Nate always wanted a blue room but I never thought I would agree to it. Surprisingly, I love it! It looks great with our new furniture. We just need to add some more blinds on the small windows, curtains, and decor! Befor...


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This was our first paint project. You can't tell how bad those stripes were in this guest room from the pictures, but if you saw them in person, you would have seen how crooked and messy they were. It took us an entire gallon of primer to cover them before we could paint the room. Curtains and decor...


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We painted the downstairs powder bathroom about a month ago. We also took off the mirror and replaced it with a more unique one. These sconces are THE ONLY thing we have hung up on a wall in this house! The bathroom still needs some artwork, but it's better looking than the stark white and boring mirror....


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The Pioneer Woman Cooks!20 He who walks with wise men will be wise,       But the companion of fools will be destroyed.        (Proverbs 13:20, New King James Version)Every Wednesday, I'll  be posting about someone with whom I've...


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I got this new sewing machine named Helga so I can make the blown tire messenger bag, newsprint cosmetic case, and blown tire hobo purse that are on backorder. I'm so excited! I decided Helga is the perfect name for her because it's burly, heavy, kick-ass and pretty much all around perfect...


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Since the Pantry Challenge, I've been more creative in my cooking, mostly because I was inspired not to spend more than I need to for nutritious foods.  Since we have a small family, I don't need to do the OAMC or bulk cooking like some bloggers, because for us, it leads to waste.  It's...


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I'm loving the useful printables being offered lately!  Here's another great one.$0.75/3 Contadina Tomato Produc...


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If you are doing the $4 Kotex rebate I mentioned in this post, here's a deal (still a decent price without the rebate: $1.50 or $1 for 2 packs):Kotex, MMTOTAL: $2.50 (or $3) MMSALE: 2/$6MQ: $1.50/2 (IP) or $2/2 (1/10 SS)AD Q: n/aRR: Buy 2 get $3RRMATH: $6 - $1.50/2 (or $2/2)Q=$4.50 (or $4) - $3RR= $1.50 (or $1)-$4 rebate = -$2.50 (-$3 with insert Qpn)There are coupons on for $5/2...


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Psalm 78:4-8 (New Living Translation)4 We will not hide these truths from our children;we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord,about his power and his mighty wonders.5 For he issued his laws to Jacob;he gave his instructions to Israel.He commanded our ancestorsto teach...


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Photo CreditTamara and her husband, Peter Lowe, have been producing business seminars for many years. Over that time, she has worked with thousands of individuals and used her skills to identify patterns of human behavior.  Those personality qualities have been broken down into six categories. ...


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It's a lackluster week for sales at CountryMart!  There are a few deals worth mentioning...Lemons or Limes 4/$1 are cheaper than Aldi's this week.Taco Bell Seasoning 2/$1Taco Bell Salsa $0.99 after couponuse -$1/1 Taco Bell Home Originals Salsa or Salsa con Queso, Any  - All You, February 2010Dole Greener Select Fresh Salad 2/$1 after couponuse -$1/2 Dole Salad Blends from Healthy Lifestyles...


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I haven't posted in several days because my daughter and I have both been battling illness.  I hope to have the CountryMart match-ups posted this afternoon sometime.  Thanks for your patience!...


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Well... here goes nothing. Nate and I have decided to start a blog to help keep friends and family up to date with what is going on in our lives here in Bend. We purchased our first house this summer and we have been adding/changing/improving every week (some weeks more than others). We are in the middle of the 'paint' stage. It's been comical because Nate is quite color blind. Most of the tans that...


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Remember when I posted about my participation in Amy's Declutter Challenge?  Well, I'm working a little bit every day towards my goal of giving away 730 items.  I didn't post last week, but I gave away another 12 items, which brings my total to 35 given items as of last week.  This week,...


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Part of bargain shopping is keeping an eye out for items that will be going on clearance.  Since I live in a very small town, our local grocer is easy to visit a few times a week while I'm out for other things.  Last week, I was able to find a great deal on my favorite Yancey's Fancy Cheese,...


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